Wednesday, November 28, 2007


OK so it has been a while since I have posted. Sorry. My parents were in town and I was having such a good time with them, I didn't want to tear away and write a blog. So here I am now.

As you already heard, my parents came down for Thanksgiving. They came the Sunday before and stayed until the following Tuesday. It was so nice having them here for so long. We got so much stuff done. Brett and I were able to go on a date night...alone, just the 2 of us, it was so nice! On our lovely date night we got me put onto our bank account...finally....and went out to dinner. We were going to watch a movie as well, but nothing sounded remotely good, so we decided that we just wanted to go home. But the time away was very nice. With my parents, we went to the "Holiday in the Park" at Six Flags which was nice and very cold! We have a thermometer on the stroller and around 6pm it was reading 45 degrees. at the same moment I was reading it, I heard a woman in a tank top say "wow it really isn't that cold out tonight!" I was absolutely shocked! Hello lady it is 45 degrees in California. Where I come from that is cold. She must have been visiting from Alaska.

So we did the Six Flags adventure, farmers market, fixed up the apartment, and we went to San Francisco where we had a wonderful time eating good food and did some good shopping and just walking around.

My dad and mom were very helpful in making our home even better. My dad went around and fixed all the doors so they wouldn't slam shut (I love shutting them now), My dad put up lights in the kitchen under the cabinets so I can see what I am doing after the sun goes down! My mom helped make wonderful food, canned applesauce for Chloe and helped make a headboard for the guest room. They also got me a fire extinguisher which is good to have when you have a gas stove and a gas fireplace. They also made me call Josh (my landlord / owner) and had him put up weather stripping around my back door and got another heater from him. SO now my place is so much warmer.

Along with being very helpful with stuff around the house, They were very helpful with Chloe. With in the week that they were here, my dad was able to get her to almost sit by herself, like to do floor time, got her to love to stand, and was even able to help her in taking her first few very assisted steps. Here is one video for you.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yummy yummy food and happy mom and dad time. I love it. I am sure you did too! I LOVE the video- especially dad's encouraging "ok, one more!" you can hear him working for her in his mind. I am sure she absolutely LOVED grandparent time- cuddles galore! Still, it would have been nice if you would have sent mom over so I could have taken a kid-free shower. A little selfish of you, keeping them all the way on that side of the country and not even giving them up for 15 minutes! I never!

Thanks for the update and the baby pictures, though - really neat to see!!