Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Random Stuff

How do I know that my child is Brett's some might ask??? (OK no one has ever asked that or even questioned that)

Well here are some things only they share:

Same facial expressions
same hair style
they both sleep in the same position

They have much more in common, but these are the only pictures that I could find.


So today I got out of the house again! This time I took Chloe on a walk along the waterfront. It was really nice out today, 73 degrees. Since I am always talking to Tracy on the phone (that is me talking to her in the picture) we were having a conversation about all the pigeons and seagulls that were around. I noticed something strange. There was a brown pigeon! I had never seen one before. Tracy asked what a normal one look liked, so I took a picture of both. Have you ever seen a brown one? Click on the pictures to make them bigger. Anyways it was a really nice walk.

I just found out:
On Friday Brett is volunteering his time to give out flu shots to the homeless. He is doing it through the family practice club . He is such a good person!
Last night with emergency medicine and surgery club he learned how to suture up people, well cadavers, but still he learned how to sew them up. He is getting that much closer to being doctor.


Tracy said...

You had me laughing out loud with the "sleeping" comparison of Chloe and Dad. Haha!

What a beautiful place to take a walk...water...ahh, glorious water...soak it in lady, I will just sit over here in my dry state and be jealous.

Its also neat Brett will be giving out flu shots. But I know his real ploy.
Homeless man: thanks for the flu shot, man.
Brett: You need anything stitched up?
Homeless man: Excuse me?
Brett: How about a liver quiver? Anything I can cut open....operate on...come on, give me something here.

Um hum. Practice makes perfect!

Mandapanda said...

I love the comparisons! I'd like to think I inspired you :c) The relationship between Dad and baby is so different than the relationship between Mom and baby, huh? It's great - I love how Nathan is with Joshua, and I know that Brett is a wonderful daddy too!

I agree with Tracy...those people he's giving shots to better get their shots and get outta there...cuz once you learn a new skill, you of course want to practice it! Let's hope that isn't one that he needs to practice on you!

Love you :c)