Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dinner ideas

So I was talking to Tracy today and she was describing how Phil made an awesome dinner for them the other night. A stuffed burrito with seasoned meat, beans, and a bunch of really really great fixings in it. Wow was I jealous. I then proceeded to tell her what Brett had planned to make for us the other night when I felt like not cooking.

Set up to the story:Brett and I were going to a poker party on Friday night with a bunch of people from his school. It was a nice way for me to get out of the house and for me to meed some more of his classmates. We were unsure if there would be food...more than chips and various snack foods... so I thought that we should have dinner before we went just in case! Well everything we had was frozen and soup just didn't sound good to me. So I suggested that we go out to McDonald's and get something off the dollar menu, cheap and filling! Well Brett had other ideas.
Here is our (mine and Brett's) conversation:

me: "Can't we just go to McDonald's tonight? I really don't feel like cooking AGAIN."
Brett: "That's just silly, here I'll make something"
me: "But we have nothing to make, otherwise I would make it."
Brett: "How about spaghetti?"
me: "We don't have any spaghetti sauce!"
Brett: "We have ranch right?"
me: "You are NOT making spaghetti with ranch! If you do I will just puke!!!"
Brett: "Come on it is soooo good. "
me: "Never will I ever eat ranch dressing on Spaghetti noodles...sick!"
Brett: "But ranch is great on everything" (here he proceeds to take down a pan and fill it with water.)
Me: (begging) "can we please please please just get some McDonald's? It is on the way to the party and we are going to be late if you make the spaghetti"
Brett: "OK fine, you win...this time"

So I have a wonderful husband who is very willing to cook for us, I just need to always have something in a can ready to heat up or else I get wonderful meals like spaghetti with ranch sauce.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I lovethis newest Brett-ism. He cracs me up with his creativity...I say, next time, go with the ranch-etti. You never know, it DOES taste good on everything!