Monday, November 12, 2007

San Francisco

On Sunday we went to San Francisco with our friends Marie, Dallas, and Cadence who is one month older than Chloe. We took the 10:00 ferry over which is so much better than driving!

It took about an hour to get there but if we drove it would have been like an hour and a half. So Chloe and Cadence really liked each other. They smiled and talked to each other the whole way over, when they weren't both eating. It is amazing to see what one month can make in the alertness and social behaviors of babies. Now I thought that Chloe was a talker and was active, well not compared to Cadence! Chloe looked like a lump almost the entire time compared to Cadence. But I have to remind myself "she is a month younger and her parents are more laid back". Did I mention that Marie is a med student with Brett, has a baby one month older than Chloe, AND is training for a triathlon???? So compared to her parents, we are WAY laid back.

It was a very nice and sunny day, so nice that we all started out wearing warm jackets thinking it was going to be cold and windy, but the sun made us warm enough that we didn't need our jackets for the majority of the day.

When we got to "The City" ( I guess if you live anywhere in the bay are the "city" refers to San Francisco. The same as if we in Washington would refer to Seattle as the "city" although we all live in a city around it....odd I think but that is the way it is around here) we headed over to the docks to see the sea lions. Thinking that it would be fun to show them off to the kids. Well our little bundle of joy had fallen asleep as soon as we got off the ferry. Too bad, maybe she will see them next time. Cadence enjoyed them however.

To sum up our trip, we got to the city at 11:15, ate lunch at noon (at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co...yes from Forrest Gump), walked around Fisherman's Wharf for a bit, went to Ghirardelli Square to eat brownie and chocolate sundaes, walked around a park and along the water front (closed because of the oil spill), went back through Fisherman's Wharf, and went to get in line for the 4:15 ferry.....AND CHLOE SLEPT THE ENTIRE TRIP!!! She woke up to eat right before we got on the ferry. It was nice not having to "deal" with an awake baby, but it would have been nice for her to be awake to see things. Oh well, we will try the trip again when my parents come down for Thanksgiving.

Over all it was a great trip and we (I) needed to get out of the house.

Click on pictures to enlarge them if you want a better look.


Tracy said...

Yay! I am so glad you got to have a fun day running around the city! It's neat to see pictures of the people you guys are pal-ing around with nowadays. Its nice to put names with faces! Their baby looks as chunky as ours- is she?

Krissy said...

No Cadence is super skinney and small. You can see her entire neck, Chloe only has a neck in the back! She is older than Chloe by a month and I am giving them clothes that don't fit Chloe anymore. She is adorable though.

Mandapanda said...

Kris, I have to say you inspired me when you said you needed to get out of the house. Yesterday, I really needed to also. So I couldn't quite make it to San Francisco before Nathan got home from work, but I went on a walk with the baby. I haven't gone on a walk for a long time because I've been sick, or it's seemed to cold or too rainy, but I spend so so much of my time in this apartment, that I realized it NEEDED to be done. So thank you for inspiring me. Next time I'll just go to San Francisco, though.