Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sleep...What's that?

Lately Chloe has been on a very weird sleeping pattern.

Wake up: 10 am
1st nap: noon (1-2 hours)
2nd nap: 4pm (1 hour)
3rd nap: 7pm (20 minutes)
won't go to sleep until midnight

The other night I was tired of this schedule, so I laid down with her at 10:30 pm saying it was time for bed. I did our bedtime routine and let her sleep in my bed which she loves to do. Well the plan didn't work out so well. She cried the entire time until (I an not kidding you) 11:55pm. Then she was out cold until....1:25 when she woke up crying,then again at 3:00....then again at 4:30....then again at 6:00.....then again at 8:37 and finally got up for the day at 10:35am.

And this pattern has been going on for 2 weeks now! It doesn't matter what I do during the day or night. I was telling my sister that she has regressed! A few months ago I was boasting about how all I had to do was lay her in her bed and she would fall asleep on her own and stay down for 5-7 hours at a time. I feel like I have a new born again.

Oh and she only falls asleep if I put my sheet and comforter over her. Her own blankets don't do her justice. So with this in mind, I really don't know what sleep is anymore. Naps, yeah I know that word and feeling, but anything more than a 2 hour nap just goes right over my head.

This is why I haven't been posting much lately either. Right now Brett is occupying her so I can have some "alone time".

1 comment:

Mandapanda said...

I'm so sorry about Chloe's sleeping habits! That's got to be so frustrating...just when you think everything is going perfectly. I can sympathize a little bit because once Joshua hit about 4-5 months or so he decided that he was way too interested in all the things he was discovering in his world to take very much time for boring old sleeping. It wasn't as bad as what you're describing, but remember that this will pass - it's just so hard to know how long it will take, huh? And I suppose this is suffient justification for not posting...