Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's happening again

Back in 1988

"Ok Krissy sit down so I can teach you your lessons"
"But I wanna play barbies!"
"NO, it is lesson time!"
"But I don't want to learn"
"That doesn't matter...now repeat after me..."

and so that would play out almost daily with Tracy and I. She would learn something new at school and I would be forced to learn it as well. Looking back now, it was probably a good learning tool for Tracy, but all I wanted to do was play with my barbies or baby dolls.

Today 2008

"so what did you learn in school today?"
"oh not much, just about the cardiovascular and pulmonary system"
"oh ok, sounds neat"
"Oh want me to show you some neat stuff?"
"Sure! (thinking I was going to see some neat pictures or have a short 2 minute conversation)"
"Well here is the heart and........"

So about an hour goes by and I have learned so much about our pulmonary system that I could probably walk into Brett's class and understand what they are talking about in lecture.

I sit and smile during the entire "lesson" given to me by my husband thinking of all those lectures I was forced to listen to way back in the day with my sister. Only now I know it helps Brett study when he can relay the information to me. And it is so neat to see him get excited about all of it.


Tracy said...

You always started out as such a good student, too. Unfortunately, you got squirmy around minute number 3. Maybe for Brett's birthday I should get him a huge blackboard like we had at home- it makes things way easier when you can draw your lesson out for your students to see.

Also, he needs to learn the "heart song" or "pulmunary mamba" or something- mix up the school session a bit.

Love you, Kris, so glad I could prepare you for your role as wife one day! Oh, the wisdom I had at such a young age...

Tracy said...

Look at you crazy crazy blogger- what is this like 8 posts in one day? Showing me up, eh???

Anonymous said...

I can just see Brett coming home one day in the future with a difficult patient issue...as he describes the problem, you say "I believe we talked about something like this during your XYZ class - could it be related to ABC?" And he says "That's it! Thanks, Krissy!" Ah, medical consultation is definitely in your future!
HeHe - I love seeing life repeat itself! First Ryan & his "illness", now Brett teaching you what he just learned...what fun!
Love you all!