Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A new chair

We got out Chloe's high Chair last week after seeing her in the neighbor's chair. She really liked being in it. She was able to see people at a whole new level and could interact with us better.

For us it is nice having the high chair out because it is easier to feed her, less back breaking that feeding her in the exersaucer and it is much easier to clean.

Although she doesn't fit in it all that well, she loves being in it! She gets to watch me cook and clean and I bring her around from room to room with me and she really enjoys that as well as my back and arms!


Anonymous said...

How cute - Chloe looks so tiny in her "new" chair, but very, very happy! Bet she's thinking "look how big I am - I can sit up just like everyone else!" Another great milestone has been achieved!
Love you all.

Tracy said...

What a cutie!!! I love those bright little eyes!