Sunday, December 9, 2007

TOP 10

Top 10 reasons why I can't wait for summer:

10 - It is sunny every day
9 - It is so warm out that I get to wear my cute summer outfits EVERYDAY
8 - I get to leave my blinds and windows open all day long
7 - Brett will be done with his first year of medical school- only 3 left
6 - I turn 25
5 - I get a discount on my car insurance for turning 25
4 - Chloe should be crawling by then
3 - Chloe will turn a year old
2 - I will be in Washington for a few weeks to help my friend with her wedding

and the number one reason why I can't wait for summer is....

1 - My gas and electricity bill will go from $240 a month down to $36 a month.

We got our bill the other day and I was shocked! It has gone up $100 every month. I can't wait to see next month's bill. And sadly we are only heating 3 sometimes 4 rooms to the point where we need only 1 sweatshirt on during the day. I turned a little fan heater on in the bathroom to take a shower and the temp on that said it was 54 degrees in the room! YIKES! Did I somehow transport my family to Iowa and am now staying with my sister? I went into the kitchen, which is now blocked off from the living room, opened the fridge....and I couldn't feel any temperature change in the room. Just one more reason why I love having single pane 1910 windows.


Tracy said...

Stinkin' winter is so expensive! Ouch! Ha- Phil and I were talking just yeseterday about how unfair it is - if you are going to spend that kind of money, at least the house should be WARM! Seriously! Break out the layers, sweetie, and get started on those draft dodgers! Ooo, and unplug your fridge- no point in paying for that if the rest of the room is just as cold! (Just kidding...don't do that). Love you!

Mandapanda said...

whoa...some of that stuff on your list was amazingly familiar...I can't believe we're turning 25 this year! And that our babies will be 1! I'm sorry it's so cold for you right now...I guess I picture it being warm in California all the time...thought you got away from the cold gray winters! Love you see you in a couple short weeks!!!