Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tagged by Manda

So I got tagged by my cousin Amanda to do this short quiz on my life with my husband. I will not go into as much detail as she did, maybe, but it should be fun.

What is his name? Brett Alan Schweizer

How long have you been married? Almost 3 1/2 years - since August 21st 2004

How long did you date? we dated for a little over 4 years. before he FINALLY popped the question.

How old is he? He turned 26 in November. He is such an old man now.

Who eats more? He definitely eats more than I do. But then again I stay home all day and he rides his bike 6 miles a day, so that does give him an appetite!

Who said I love you first? Brett said I love you first. It was about 3 weeks into our relationship he said "I want you to meet my parents, my family, all my friends, and everyone I have ever met." I said "why?" he replied "Because I love you!"

Who is taller? Brett is by a whopping inch! But when we are sitting I am like 6 inches taller than him. I have a long torso and he has long legs.

Who sings better? Now that would be me. He tries to sing, and it is really sweet when he does, but he just doesn't have the right vocal chords

Who is smarter? Brett by far! He is a walking book of knowledge.

Whose temper is worse? Regretfully it is me who has the worst temper.

Who does the laundry? That would be me as well. He used to do a few loads now and then, but he gets confused on why you need to separate the darks from the lights and then separate out the whites.

Who does the dishes? Mostly I do them, but he helps out when he can.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? depends on where his dresser is. For some reason he has to be on the same side as his dresser. weird I know. Right now he sleeps on the right.

Who pays the bills? I write the checks, he brings in the money

Who mows the lawn? right now we don't have a lawn, but when we did Brett mowed it.

Who cooks dinner? I cook the meals 99.9% of the time. The other day Brett made us grilled cheese sandwiches and they were wonderful. It was the first time he EVER made them. I was impressed.

Who drives when you are together? It is pretty equal when it comes to driving places. When we do long road trips he usually drives longer than I do , but around town it is a toss up.

Who is more stubborn? That would definitely be me! Brett can be stubborn when it comes to certain things like pets, buying stuff, and anything that I would consider being fun, but overall I am the most stubborn on a day to day basis.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I think we are equal on this one. Neither of us are too proud to admit when we are wrong. Especially if it means that the argument would be over.

Whose parents do you see the most? That would be my parents. We used to live with them, and now they can't get enough of Chloe, so they make the trip to see us.

Who proposed? Brett proposed to me. I won't go into details, but the night included dinner, the Nutcracker, a park, and my ring.

Who has more friends? I believe that I have more friends overall, but down here he wins in the friend category.

Who has more siblings? Brett has 3 wonderful brothers and I have an amazing sister. SO that would be Brett.

Who wears the pants in the family? HA now this brought up a debate! He says that he wears the pants in the relationship, yet i think us girls know who really wears the pants. And I would have to agree with Manda on the kid wearing the pants. Chloe does have a lot to say in what we do and when we do it.

And now I tag Tracy.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh no. Now I'm double tagged AND still have yet to do my Christmas Elf work. What are you DOING to me??? Also, I like how I was described as an "amazing sister" like as if its hard to be a great sister when your own sister is so stinkin wonderful...I have it so rough-ha!