Friday, December 14, 2007

Joys of parenting

Since it has been cold (54 degrees where we are not heating) in our apartment, we have had Chloe in our room for the nights. For nap times I try and get her to down without feeding or rocking her or even holding her if I can. I usually just lay her down on my bed, lay next to her letting her hold one of my fingers that she has latched on to and give her a few kisses and she usually falls asleep within a few minutes. I know I am very lucky for that.

Well last night I was tired, and usually for bedtime, I stay up with her and hold her or feed her until she falls asleep. So I tried the nap time routine, only instead of having her on my bed, I had her in the co-sleeper. She did really good with it. She laid quietly for a good 1/2 hour. She would coo every once in a while, but for the most part she just stared at me or the wall. Every time I blinked she blinked, every time I closed my eyes for a few minutes, she would do the same. But she would always open her eyes up to see what I was doing, and if she happened to catch me with my eyes open, she would immediately open hers up as well saying "See mom, I'm not tired either, isn't it great?". She did fall asleep on her own last night. Oh and the best part, she slept from about 10pm until 6am. I got some good sleep last night!

So when she woke up at 6am this morning ,I fed her, changed her and played hit the dad on the head game for a few minutes. Then we got up and she played in her saucer and I worked on some projects. At about 7am she was getting that tired look back in her eyes, so we went back to bed. Only this time as soon as she hit her bed, she was awake again. But I wanted another nap so she was stuck. Well this didn't seem to bother her too much. She got to look at one of her favorite things, light coming through the blinds. So I shut my eyes and started to go to sleep. A few moments later Brett and I are being serenaded to by our 4 1/2 month old! She was singing, cooing, and howling at the blinds for a good 45 minutes before she finally fell asleep. It was the cutest thing ever! She is such a good little baby, she can completely entertain herself and then put herself to sleep.

Lets see how long this will last!


A wise word to all dads:

When you are holding your child because your wife asks you to hold the baby while she does something, and informs you that she just fed that baby....


Babies have a weak tummy and they lose their food quite easily.

So Brett did this yesterday morning, having fun with Chloe of course, and ended up with a cup and a half of spit up in his mouth, on his shirt, on the bed and all over Chloe. I had to laugh really hard at this one and he had to immediately take a shower and brush his teeth! Good morning honey!


Tracy said...

You know what's funny? I wonder how many dad's make that same mistake. I know Phil got a good taste of Ryan's breakfast once, too. You know, for how much squealing we do over them playing rough with our precious cargo, a bit of spit up in the mouth says "calm down" louder than any wife ever could!

And, after a night of every 2 hours (i'm NOT EXAGERATING!) being woken up because I wanted David to sleep in his OWN bed...I'm not going to comment on your content, easy baby. All I can say is, I hope you have a number 2. Because my number 1 was pretty easygoing, too... =) hehe

Krissy said...

Yeah sorry about posting the fact that she was being a really good baby, although I should let you know that this has been a one time occurrence. Since this post, she has been up every 3 hours wanting to eat or just to be held. So when I do get those wonderful nights, especially when I get serinated, I like to boast! Don't worry, your time will come, I promise.
:) love you