Saturday, October 13, 2007

How time flies

So much has happened in the last moth and a half. Chloe is now 2 1/2 months old, Brett is in medical school, and we all live in California. I won't go into details, for it will take way too long. I will just highlight some of the great things that have happened.

Chloe made some wonderful new friends. Aunt Sydney (shown below with my parents) and Auntie M (to the right) who by the way has never attempted to do this (hold, feed, interact)with a child before... so I hear but she is a natural at it.
Other friends that she made this month include the refrigerator at my parents house. She could sit in front of it for hours talking to it if I let her. And on occasoin she was fond of the couch. I really want to know what is going on in that little head of hers when she starts cooing at the sofa.

We were also very priveleged to have Brett's Grandma Pauline, Laverne (a very close family friend), and his aunt April come up from California to visit with us. Unfortunately Brett was unable to make it for the visit, but besides him, we actually got the entire family together ( 4 generstions)....which has not happened in 3 years. These pictures are some highlights from the visit.

Aunt Gerry and Uncle Jim came down to see us as well. We really enjoyed seeing them.

So Chloe had her 2 month checkup with Dr Goodman. She is proudly in the 97% for weight and 98% for height.

Apparently neither side of our families like to grow average sized babies. She is currently the same size as her cousin David who is a boy and 2 weeks younger. Tracy and I like to compare what we are calling the "twins" on a regular basis. We make it a challenge to see who can get their kid bigger than the other by the next Dr's visit.

Chole also discovered her thumb this month. Unfortunately it only comes out when she is getting her diaper changed. Other times she just sucks on her fist. But it is still pretty darn cute. Hopefully this won't become a habbit for her, and as of right now it doesn't look like it will be.

So Brett came up to Washington to get Chloe and myslef and bring us back to California. While he was up here we got a chance to see Grandma Mary.

She was so delighted that we were able to stop by. She hasn't seen a GIRL great grandkid until she met Chloe. We were begining to think that the Schweizer family didn't know how to produce girls any more.

Well the week went by way too fast and we were off to our new life in California.

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