Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun with the relatives

Jason and Angie's son Josiah turned one year old this week and they threw a party to celebrate it. Here are some pictures of the party

Gloria could not get enough of Chloe.
Everytime someone else would be holding her, she would talk them into letting her hold Chloe on the couch. I think that she held her the most out of everybody there.

Blowing out the candles. This actually took the three of them 4 tries to get the ONE candle to blow out.

You have to love cousins playing together! I remember his dad chasing Amanda, Tracy an I around with a slug in his hand. Josiah had a more "hands on" approach.

Amazingly she wasn't the least bit startled by this. She must know that she has 3 boy cousins to put up with.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe how big Gloria is - and how beautiful! Isn't it crazy how little girls just love babies? Remember fighting over them at, oh, every age?

Josiah is a cutie-pie too! Those cheeks- ha! Precious!I bet it was neat to spend a day with everyone and catch up. Hopefully there weren't too many slugs around...