Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Where does the time go?

Since I have been watching Cadence I have found that I have very little time to myself to get things done. Like blogging for instance. Right now I am able to post some stuff because for once, both girls are down for their nap and I am avoiding doing chores around the house,showering,eating lunch, those kinds of things. There will be other times to do those.

So here are some updates. Chloe is rolling all over the place. She has even started scooting around on her butt when she is sitting, but won't get very far, or go very fast but she is able to move that way. She is still refusing to crawl. I am trying some baby yoga moves with her on helping her crawl, but she would rather just roll over and play with toys than work on her yoga moves.

I have been told that she is getting her upper teeth. Her upper gums looked swollen and white and she was really fussy...especially at night and at nap time. Tylenol would soothe her, she chewed on everything and drooling picked up a bit more. It has been 6 days now and nothing has shown up. She is no longer fussy, not drooling so much, and not chewing on everything in site so I think that they decided to wait a little longer before coming out. (I am very happy for that decision.)

Chloe is also trying really hard to talk. She has said de dee to Brett. She has said gapa to my dad and laughs every time I say "mama" to her. I doubt that she will be saying that anytime soon. When she is "talking" it seems like she is forming her own little words. It is not longer baby babbles coming out of her mouth. It is very cute and darling to watch and hear.

Clapping her hands is the newest trick that she has learned. She doesn't do it all the time, but when she does do it, you can see that she is so excited that she is clapping. I think she gets a kick out of our reaction to her clapping.

So those are the things that Chloe is up to these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At this age, changes occur just about every day. So glad you are coming up again SOON so we can see Chloe's newest tricks!
Love and miss you all!