Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Second night

OK so I am a big sucker when it comes to my baby.

She went to sleep last night while I was watching a movie. It was probably around 8ish. I was able to change her diaper and put her in her crib without her waking up at all what so ever. I was so happy. I thought "man this is easy!"...but I was wrong. Around 9:30 she woke up screaming! not just crying that whimper cry of I am still tired but I just woke up cry. It was a full out screaming cry. I did the "wait 10 minutes" thing that my sister is making me do, but even Brett was feeling bad about her crying like that. So I wimped out and got her up.

The poor thing has been having really hard stools lately, hard enough that she cries when she is going to the bathroom. (yes I am giving her water, prunes, prune juice and cutting back on things like crackers and high iron foods) Well it ends up that she pushed out another really big and hard stool. SO no wonder she was crying like that. Anyways, we let her stay up with us for a little while then Chloe and I went to bed together. She fell asleep in her co-sleeper all by herself. No crying or anything. She just played with her baby doll until she just fell asleep. And the most wonderful part was that she didn't wake up until around 5 to nurse, went back to sleep and woke up for the day at 8:30. Oh it was nice to get some sleep.

So I know I didn't go through with my original plan. I will eventually get there. I took a few steps back and one sideways and now I am on a different path. My goal is to now get her to sleep through the night, no matter what time she goes down officially or where she sleeps. I just want her to sleep for like 5 - 7 hours without nursing which I know she is capable of doing. When we get that down, then we will work on a set bedtime. I think baby steps will work better in our situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby steps are good, especially when dealing with a baby! IF she can learn to sleep all night in her co-sleeper, then it should be easier to transition her to the crib. Keep being flexible, and everyone will get to the end goal quicker and easier...just don't forget what end goal you are working towards!
Love you!