Sunday, February 3, 2008

6 month check up

On Friday, Chloe had her 6 month checkup. We took her to her new doctor that we really like. She is a pediatrician D.O. (what brett is going to be minus the pediatrician). So it ends up that my sweet little angel is 19 lbs 3 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long. She is getting to be so big. However she has dropped down to the 90th percentile from the 98th at her 4 month visit. This means that she is slowly but surely slowing her growth. YAY!

Since this was her 6 month checkup, she got her immunizations for this milestone, and she got her tetanus shot and one of her flu shots. So the poor baby has not been feeling very well.

Oh and on top of her not feling well beacuse of the shots, she got a cold from her friend Cadence, who I have been watching this last week. So last night was a fun one. I was waking up every 30 minutes to either suction out her nose, fed her, give her tylenol, or put a pacifier back into her mouth to try and give me a few more minutes of sleep. Hopefully tonight will be better.


Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Chloe (and Mom!)! I hope she recovers from her shots AND the cold really soon. I remember multiple nights of sleeping in the big brown rocking chair, holding a sick baby upright so she could breathe and I could sleep at least a glad to hear that she is otherwise healthy and growing - just not so much! I had visions of her passing me in height before she turned eight! I'm use to that happening at 10, but not earlier, please. ;) Love you all!

Mandapanda said...

I hope Chloe is feeling better also! Just to add to the battle of the fat babies, at Joshua's 6 month appointment he was 21 pounds 1 oz! I'm glad Chloe is slowing down a bit in her growing - I think Joshua finally is...but he's in his 11th month!