Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring Fever

It was so incredibly nice out today. Well actually it has been nice out since last Friday. It has been sunny, high 60's to mid 70's through out the week and just plain gorgeous. So today I got the Spring Fever itch inside of me. While the girls were occupied throughout the day with naps and playing with eachother I was able to get a few things done:

3 loads of laundry
ironed 9 pairs of pants and 8 shirts and 1 table cloth
vaccummed the appartment
gave Chloe a bath
gave myself a shower
made lunch
ate lunch
made dinner
swept the floors
made 2 loaves of banana bread
changed the sheets on both beds (we had a guest over the weekend, more about that later)
cleaned the kitchen
did the dishes
put up the final piece of plastic over the last window so we have no more leakage
fed both babies multiple times
changed many diapers
wiped many runny noses (Chloe is still sick)
tried to teach Chloe how to roll over
Worked with Cadence on crawling
talked to my sister ( a much needed "break")
and I am sure that I did a few other things in there as well.

I love having this energy. In the next few days I will be getting my double stroller delivered and I will add a nice walk to my list as well. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

You so inspire me...maybe you could send some of that sunshine this way? Because winter is, well, wearing on my bones! THEY AREN"T MOVING like they should and unfortunately the maid, cook, gardener, and nanny are all feeling a bit melancholy as well. As a result, they are unable to keep up with their own duties. Tsk Tsk. Any tips? Fire them and hire new help?