Sunday, July 27, 2008

Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays

Well only two birthdays, but it seems like we have been having one every week. Oh wait, we have. I celebrated my 25th Birthday on the 18th of July and Chloe turned 1 on the 26th of July. So our lives have been filled with what seems like party after party.

My birthday:

Even though I spent the evening with some of the friends that I have made down here, it just wasn't the same as when I celebrated it with my family and friends. However, it was a good night. My neighbors took Chloe for the entire night. It was weird not having to go home to my baby or having to wake up 3 times in the night with her. Trust me, I loved that idea, a full nights rest, but it was the first night without my baby. I later came to realize that I was able to handle it and I actually enjoyed the break. Anyways, we dropped her off at 5:00 and took off for dinner. We went to a local Thai restaurant and had such wonderful food. Afterwards we went over to our friends house for some drinks, rock band and Mario kart. Later in the evening we were planning on going to go to a bar in a neighboring city to sing karaoke, but by the time we got there they were no longer doing it for the evening. So we instead danced to some songs on the jukebox and the guys played darts. Oh and I got a full nights sleep and didn't have to pick up Chloe until 3:oo in the afternoon. My neighbor wanted to keep her even longer, but we had to take her and get ready to go camping over the weekend. (More on that later)

And now what you were really wanting to read about...

Chloe's FIRST birthday
It started and ended a crazy day.
8:00am wake up / get ready for the day

9:00am go to farmers market
10:00 am go to grocery store
11:00 am drop myself and Chloe off at the park with all the stuff and set up for the party
11:30 am Brett go to Costco to get cake and pizza for party
12:00 pm party started

So it pretty much went like that, not all entirely smooth, but it went alright. We had people arriving around 12:30ish and ate pizza, salad, fruit and of course for desert, cake and ice cream. My poor baby needed a nap all through her party. But I guess that is typical of first birthday parties. She only wanted to be held and only on a rare occasion she played with the other kids. It was in the high 80's low 90's and just wonderfully hot. We had our own private picnic area over by the duck pond at a local park. It was wonderful. The kids could run freely, the guys could play...well pass the football around, and the moms could chat with ease.
Cake time!
Brett helped her blow out the candle because she had no idea why we were hovering her over the cake.
When we gave her the cake, she just sat there and stared at it. Cadence came up and helped show her what to do.
She preferred to eat the filling of the cake and only with a spoon. Amazingly she didn't get that dirty. I was secretly happy that she didn't just dive into the cake.
After cake, we opened the presents and got some really neat toys. Then we cleaned up and headed home for a nap, then went to Jimmy's place to do some swimming and cooling off. It was a full day for the little girl, but she was a trooper and enjoyed every bit of it.


Tracy said...

What a little cherub, sis! That cake looks SO good! It sounds like you guys have had a full/fun few weeks! Happy birthday to you both!

Anonymous said...

What fun birthdays you two have had. There's not much that compares to the gift of a full night's sleep (especially when they are few and far between!).
Chloe is such an angel. She is adorable in "her" birthday dress, and quite the young lady. Of course she demanded a utensil before eating her cake - all good etiquette students know that! (hehe)
Love you all so much!