Thursday, March 13, 2008


Apparently Lamar Petry and Jonathan Walker enjoyed a wonderful trip on us to Las Vegas from Seattle. It was a one way trip so I don't think we will be seeing them anytime soon. They purchased the tickets online and flew on the 6Th of this month.

I have called both of our credit card companies and have closed both accounts.


Tracy said...

You know, I bet they have stolen those identities, too. I can't imagine people using real names to do something like that. Can you believe people!? Will they still charge you guys that money or is it up to the credit card company to dispute it now?

Krissy said...

The credit card company will dispute the charges. I don't think we will have to pay for any of it. The people at Southwest were really nice and gave me all of the info on the people that they could. And yeah I am pretty sure that those were fake names. At least for their sake I hope they were smart enough to use false identities. Oh and the lady with the airlines said that in the 25 years that she has been with the company, this is the 3rd time she has heard of this happening. Yay us!

Anonymous said...

How very scarey! Be sure to check your credit reports with a fine tooth comb to be sure they didn't buy/open/commit to anything else!
And...what's the story you briefly mentioned on Tracy's blog...something about a shooting outside your apartment???
Love you guys so much!