Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween festivities this year included:

Going to the pumpkin patch in Oregon

Having a Halloween party with all her friends and dressing up for it

Going trick or treating down Georgia Street during the Farmers Market

And the best of all...

Trick or treating with friends in a safe neighborhood and getting lots of candy!!!!
Chloe was a pink poodle, Cadence was a monkey, Zephyr was an angel, Auggie was piglet, Marie was a cat, Rita was a fairy, and Brett and I went as a mom and dad. (Don't Brett and I have the best costumes?)

Once she figured out that these people were giving out candy, she went to every house on the block, or at least tried to. The kids were so cute and they got more candy because of it!

Happy Halloween everyone! hope you had a great one.


Kaeli said...

what a cute costume! looks like you guys had fun :)

Anonymous said...

How could anyone resist those big puppydog eyes? Too cute!!